Inspirational quotes

In three words I can summarise everything I have learnt about life: It goes on. - Robert Frost, Poet.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Dreams and Consequences and Prayers

My expectations of myself always seem to he so high. Not only do I want to become the leader of my country, but to invent nuclear fusion, change the education system and make a new way of ruling called meritocracy: a fusion of the good parts of both autocratic and democratic rule.

But, sometimes I wonder about, whether dream so high will ever lead to what I truly want: happiness. Having a family, enjoying the time you spend with you wife and children, taking care of your parents seems to please most people and it does me.

I would love to see my parents grow old, with me, and I want to be with them when they die. I want to pray for their well-being in the after-life. I want to hear my child call me dad for the first time. I want to teach and watch my child grow up to me a responsible citizen. I want my parents to be able to see their grandchildren. I want to comfort my wife when she is ill or unwell and I want to prove to her that the choice she made, the choice of being my wife was worthwhile, because regardless of how smooth a marriage may be, there will always be bumps on the road. I pray that I overcome them all.

Benign as it may seem, a choice needs to be made between your own happiness and the happiness of others. An honest leader will barely have time for his family; his life dictated by the will of his nations. Everything has a price; if you think that when you chose to steal something, you chose to pay with it with your reputation and safety instead of paying it with green paper and silver coins. Benevolence is no exception.

Many people overlook kindness  as a quality, but the truth is that they become so accustomed to someone’s kindness that they simply fail to draw a distinction between their nature and their kindness. Kindness is a part of nature, I will admit that, but it is the ability of distinguish people who are truly kind from others that are not. Most people overlook this greatest quality in a human being.

And what is kindness you might ask? Is it simply giving money to the poor, supporting a friend; Yes and no. Yes in the sense that that can be something that can make a person kind, but no in the sense that simply giving something to someone is not enough to be kind.

Being kind is being someone that is tolerant to others; someone that will not follow the example of others encircling the everlasting circle of hatred. Being Kind is being tolerant of people’s opinions and also going out of the way to tell people what you think they are doing wrong. Taking the anger and spite of others and tossing them away, and bot getting angry.

People realize that people with these certain qualities have something special, but cannot put their fingers on it. And this is the super power that we humans exhibit, to be kind, to be caring, to want the better of others and to go out of our way to do so. And with this power, comes great and dire responsibilities.

I want to be a leader, I want to be a father, I want to be a son, I want to be a Husband, I want to be the best Muslim out there and I want to be the best at them all. It’s a simple dream, but that is what most things appear. But, to be all these, what will I be giving up? After all, everything has a price.

Will I keep on dreaming of this beautiful Utopia, and as time passes simply see it as a fantasy?

Or, will I truly live the dream?

Time, as with everything else can only tell.


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