Inspirational quotes

In three words I can summarise everything I have learnt about life: It goes on. - Robert Frost, Poet.

Saturday, 12 February 2011


His speech although laconic, was exceedingly powerful; what he did not use words to express he used his facial expression and tone to create a heavy atmosphere.

The effect of his speech would have lingered for longer if it were not for the brusque interruption of his rival, who claimed that his complete speech was a lie, and that the promises he had made were mere words. The ensuing reaction of the crowd that was sheer discontent at the rival; their logic being that if he had something to say, then he could have formally addressed the crowd. To his his goal of creating a schism in the leading elite, he had failed.

The Chairperson’s decision was final. He believed that the speech was extraordinary and had profound meaning to it; it carried the essence of the organization and therefore, could not be written off as a mere lie. His concise address to the crowd and the two candidates was well received by all except the abrasive rival.

The rival was now in a state of complete shock. He had planned to conspire against the non-profit organization and now, his plans were in ruins. The incisive chairperson could understand the rival’s hunger for power and dominance, and that in itself was warning enough not to make him the successor of the organisation.


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